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Gifts of stock
If you have stock that have appreciated in value, and you’ve owned those shares for more than a year, you might consider donating the shares directly to MCHS. It’s a win-win proposition. You’ll win by avoiding capital gains and by deducting the full fair market value of the shares you’ve donated, up to the maximum amount allowed by law. Our animals win of course, because your gift will help provide them with the care they need.
Donate from your IRA
If you’re 70 ½ or older, you can make a tax-free gift — up to $105,000 — directly from your IRA to the Montgomery County Humane Society. Your gift will help ensure our animals receive the care they need, and it can fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution.
If you’d like to make a gift of appreciated stock, other securities or your IRA, please email
MCHS Director of Development
James Nolan or call him at
240-616-1973 before you make your gift, so that we can properly acknowledge our receipt of your gift and properly credit you. As always, please check with your financial adviser to see if this gift makes sense for you.
Cat and Dog Rescue Adoptions, Spaying/Neutering, Vaccination Clinics, Micro-chipping, Outreach Programs, Pet Food Pantry, and more!
Federal Tax ID #52-6044968
Combined Federal Campaign #54823
Montgomery Alliance #M157
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