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Please get this blood work performed at a veterinary hospital no more than 30 days before surgery, and bring the results with you. If your pet is under 7 years, pre-anesthetic blood work is recommended but not required. MCHS is not a full-service clinic – blood work must be performed by an outside veterinary office.
IMPORTANT: We communicate and send information via email and phone. Please be sure your voicemail box is not full, and check your email spam folder.
We telephone pet owners to schedule an appointment in the order that requests are received. You should expect a 2 to 3 week wait for your scheduling phone call.
Please bring a printed copy of your pet’s Rabies certificate, or to save time at check-in, please email the certificate once your appointment is scheduled. If your pet does not have a current Rabies vaccination ( if you do not bring proof of current vaccination), we will vaccinate the pet for a fee of $18.
Drop your pet off at 8 a.m. on surgery day, and pick up between 4 and 5 p.m. on the same day. When you arrive, STAY IN YOUR CAR and call (240) 328-8051 to speak to the clinic staff. Please wear a mask at all times.
No-shows and last-minute changes drive up our rates! Cancellations within 24 hours of your appointment and missed appointments will be charged an additional $25 fee for a rescheduled appointment, if our schedule permits.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
If pet presents with or has been treated for any type of illness in the last 30 days, please email the medical records in advance to
Cat and Dog Rescue Adoptions, Spaying/Neutering, Vaccination Clinics, Micro-chipping, Outreach Programs, Pet Food Pantry, and more!
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Combined Federal Campaign #54823
Montgomery Alliance #M157
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